2009年7月22日 星期三

Moon dust

How close to the moon we were?
Just a hand stretch distance................ to these 4 small lunar rocks.

If there was none set his foot on the moon in 40 years ago, then where did this moon dust come from? Maybe it's just sand from beach..... But I would prefer to believe it's from Moon, otherwise I would become a fool to take a picture of it.

The flag was brought to the moon by Apollo & was given to our government with lunar rocks as a gift.

Compare to these four tiny rocks, the meteoric stone is much bigger & attracts my kid's attention...

(2009/9/6後記: 荷蘭發現美國送的月岩竟然是樹木化石..... 看來這四顆是一般沙子的可能性大增....)

2009年7月18日 星期六


味全埔心農場的獨角仙復育, 讓園內的光蠟樹上處處可見到牠的蹤跡. 牠的一生週而復始的重複著. 度過孤單的成長歷程後, 幻化成堅硬的成蟲. 並在生命中最絢爛精彩的時光中, 完成延續生命的使命, 然後燃燒殆盡 .... 人的一生真是相對的複雜啊 ........

2009年7月7日 星期二


在公館的自來水博物館 之 殺很大

館內大概就這棟裡面像博物館, 其他地方都是玩水的, 改名成自來水水上樂園看來比較適合

總之園區內 都是來玩水的, 也有少數來外拍的
下次來要帶泳衣來 ......

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